Landscape Design


We have a C.A.D (Computer Aided Design) service that we can design your dream garden, whether you are doing the work yourself or needing us to do it professionally  we can design a garden to suit your needs. Using out extensive experience of the local area and climate we will ensure that your new garden incorporates all the aspects that are required to have a great garden that suite your property and lifestyle.

Our designs can include planting plans with species info and reference pictures, 3D drawings of features,  Surface Layouts, detail drawings to suit your specific design

Designs can range in cost depending of the amount of detail required and time taken to design.

Does this sound familiar?

“we have a long weekend so we should do some work in the garden, lets do the bit by the front door”

so you spend a grand on materials and all weekend or two killing yourself on the end of a shovel only to realize after living with it for a while that the area probably should have had a path through it or wont fit with the rest of the garden.

Regardless on if you plan to do the work yourself of if you want i completed by our professional team, If you have a design you can ensure that each area works with other areas and that everything you want included in your garden will fit together, then you can chip away at smaller projects knowing that you wont be wasting money redoing them in the future. 

Why do i need a design?

Giving your garden some thought before you put your shovel in the ground makes so much sense on so many levels. Having a well thought out design allows you to put some thought into what you need from the garden what you are likely to use it for

  • What are your access points and will they be obstructed?
  • Where the irrigation is coming from.
  • What underground services do i need to avoid
  • What will happen to the area when the kids grow up
  • Do i need to screen off any areas

The list is endless